A great time was had by all!

A great time was had by all!
Your South Bay HOA board hopes that all residents are safe from Hurricane Ian. The board will be assessing damage to the common areas as soon as possible and will secure contractors as needed to restore the beauty of our neighborhood grounds.
As a reminder to all residents: You are responsible for removing debris and downed trees from yards and roadways as well as homes which maintain ‘up to the walking paths’ from backyards.
Large trees which have fallen as well as trunks which are too large for county pickup are the responsibility of the homeowner to remove via contractor.
Smaller organic tree debris should be picked up by the county starting Wednesdays, but the county may also be looking at outside contractors to begin bulk pickup routes as they did with Hurricane Irma. Small organic debris may sit in front of your home for several weeks before the county comes by to pick them up via contractor, and residents will not receive any HOA notices during this time UNLESS the Wednesday pickups begin immediately and are taking tree debris as normal. If as normal, the homeowner is responsible for proper bundling and placement of debris so it can be picked up in a timely manner.
If you have any questions please see the following links for contact information:
Lake Butler is experiencing historically high water levels in 2022. The South Bay dock available for resident and guest use is currently partially flooded. Please use caution if residents or guests chose to use this amenity while flooding and high water levels are still occurring.
South Bay is located in Orange County, FL which requires homeowners to follow zoning ordinances regarding trees on their property as well as the South Bay HOA common grounds.
The beauty and value of your home and our neighborhood depend on these large trees in our area.
The South Bay HOA urges all homeowners to replant Orange County approved recommended stock list trees as shown below if their lot does not adhere to the approved recommended minimum tree limit for square footage OR when a homeowner removes a tree due to age, disease or hazard which is also listed below.
It is never too early or too late to prepare for hurricane season. Please see the link below for an excellent guide on hurricane season and how to prepare.
The South Bay HOA has been alerted by a fellow homeowner that they were the target of a rental scam in the Orlando area. Please be vigilant of unwanted guests trying to enter you or your neighbors properties.
These scams operate by creating fake rental listings – potentially of high end homes – on craigslist and other social media platforms using past real estate photos and public information from the tax and property appraiser offices.
Rental Listing Scams – https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0079-rental-listing-scams
Rise of Rental Scams – https://www.acfe.com/fraud-examiner.aspx?id=4294992310
News: Home Rental Scams Trending – https://www.wesh.com/article/home-rental-scams-trending-on-facebook/36292888